Monday, August 5, 2013

A Bascetta Star Origami Which is Similar In Structure to a Great Stellated Dodecahedron

This is my favorite origami model.  It is called a Bascetta Star because it is named after its inventor, Paolo Bascetta.  It is assembled in 30 modules. 

You can use the Silhouette paper cutter to cut out 30 four inch squares.  Here is a website which gives the origami directions.

Here is a YouTube video.

It takes a few hours to make but it is well worth the effort

Bascetta Star Origami

The dodecahedron above is the basis for this model.  Stellated means "star-like".  The dodecahedron is transformed into a star-like solid by drawing a line from the center of the pentagon outward into space and meeting at a point.  This point is above the original vertex.  Three adjacent pentagons create the triangular pyramid shape.  There are 20 vertices and 20 triangular pyramids are created. A dodecahedron has 12 faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges. 

The great stellated dodecahedron on the right has the same structure but the pyramids are more pointed. Here are the directions to make a great stellated dodecahedron

I have included a .Studio file for the above dodecahedron.  I think the model with the tabs on the outside allow tactile students to feel the vertices and edges.  Here is the .Studio file.

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